It is always great to see wonderful things happening at our care homes. Teams did a great job celebrating Valentine’s Day. There have been crafts, music, love letters to each other and lots of dance.
Georgiana Care Home decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day, by sending messages to the residents’ families and their loved ones. As we all know it has been a difficult time for the residents, their families and the team when they have not been able to hug or sit in each other’s company over a cup of tea. The residents came up with some heart-warming messages.
Valentines Messages from Residents
Activities Lead Susi said ‘It was so lovely to see residents getting involved in this activity and really wanting to make sure the message reaches their loved ones’.
Edwardian Care Home team have made a very impressive Valentine’s Day Cake. The day was celebrated with lots of laughter, music and dance. According to Home Manager May ‘Our residents love to dance and any excuse to have a party is very well received by all of them. Music just makes them happy and I am happy seeing their smiling faces. Cake was such a thoughtful idea, and it was so delicious too!’
Our impressive Valentine’s Day Cake.
Victoriana Care Home love crafts and they have made some beautiful bunting decorated with hearts and sweet messages written all over them by residents and the team. Another well received activity was decorating biscuits. Everyone had a go and some got even competitive!
Beautiful bunting Biscuit decorating
Residents thoroughly enjoyed Valentine’s Day and are always up for new experiences and activities. All activities team members are doing a wonderful job in making sure that residents wellbeing is looked after.